Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ultimate Frisbee!!!

Friends and Family night at Blue, Inc was done right last week when we all played Ultimate Frisbee.  For those of you who have never played Ultimate Frisbee, its a lot of fun, and involves a lot of running.  We played in an open field, the only light coming from our glow-stick bracelets and the light-up frisbee (which is the only fun way to play).  It was pretty windy, which made for some interesting passes between teammates.  The frisbee was constantly switching between teams as we raced back and forth trying to score. We fought the wind, trying to keep the frisbee in bounds and keep passing it to our own teammates.  A couple of the guys in the office, being the natural athletes they are, were able to throw the frisbee clear across the field and have someone catch it for the goal.  That made it the best play of the night!  Stay tuned next week to see what other fun activities we'll have in store at Blue!

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